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The intention here is to provide some basic ailments / remedies for problems that we face in our day to day life. Both the genders are vulnarable to these problems and it is very essential to tackle these small issues to look & feel better. It is an attempt to provide some free information on these health disorders. If you have any suggestion or remedies for any health disorder please feel feel to write to me at , I will review the same & post it on this blog. I assure you that you will get the accredition for your contribution.

Homeopathy Myths busted-Dr.Batras Article

Homeopathy Myths busted - Dr. Batra's Article

The science of Homeopathy has been the subject of many debates and discussions - people bombarding the propagators and followers of this science with allegations and accusations of various kinds. But even after all this, Homeopathy has emerged victorious and put a stop to all of these with the help of research-based evidences and successfully treated cases. Here are some of the common myths (about Homeopathy) that have clearly fallen apart:

Myth 1: Homeopathic medicines are placeboes
Answer from Dr. Batra's Team: The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized Homeopathy as an accepted system of medicine and the world's second largest system of medicine. There have been many double blind trials conducted where the efficacy of Homeopathic medicines have been proved. Studies have shown the ability of Homeopathic medicines to induce physiological changes in the body temperature. Homeopathy even works on animals in diseases like distemper and fifty percent of veterinary doctors in UK use Homeopathy. It shows effective results in infants even in acute diseases such as abdominal colic. This would not have been possible if homeopathic remedies were placeboes.

Myth 2: Homeopathic medicines are slow to act and cannot be used in acute cases
Answer from Dr. Batra's Team: Most people take recourse in Homeopathy for chronic problems such as arthritis, allergic asthma or skin conditions, etc., which take a longer time to be treated with any other system of medicine too. However, in acute ailments like fever, diarrhoea, acute cold, cough, etc., homeopathic remedies act as fast as conventional medicines, sometimes even faster.

Myth 3: All homeopathic medicines are the same
Answer from Dr. Batra's Team: Although all homeopathic medicines look alike, essentially they are not the same. The basic ingredients of homeopathic medicines come from 3000 different sources that are mainly derived from plants and minerals. Their active principles are extracted into various solvents. For better palatability, the liquid homeopathic medicine is poured into small globules, which are highly porous and therefore absorptive. Although they may look alike, every homeopathic remedy is different from another.

Myth 4: Homeopathy cannot help surgical cases at all
Answer from Dr. Batra's Team: A number of surgical conditions can be treated effectively with Homeopathy, for e.g. recurrent tonsillitis, piles, fissures, fistula, chronic ear discharge, vocal cord nodules, kidney and gall bladder stones, small-sized uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, warts and corns. However, every medical science has its set of advantages and limitations. Thus, in certain cases where the disease has reached an advanced stage or in emergency cases, surgery is essential and cannot be avoided. In fact, many surgeons and dentists use Homeopathy pre and post operatively. A homeopathic remedy Calendula is recommended as an external application by many surgeons to facilitate better surgical wound healing without leaving behind ugly scars.

Myth 5: There are too many dietary restrictions to be followed during homeopathic treatment
Answer from Dr. Batra's Team: The only medical restrictions that a homeopath may impose depend upon the disease that the patient suffers from; for example, diabetics should avoid sweets and a high carbohydrate diet. Since homeopathic medicines act through nerve endings, traditional homeopaths do not prefer the use or consumption of any substance with strong odors like toothpaste, garlic, onions, etc., as this could affect the action of homeopathic medicines. Modern homeopaths recommend having the medicines after rinsing the mouth half an hour before and after meals and also advocate placing the medicine below the tongue for best results.

Myth 6: Homeopathy and Allopathy cannot be taken together
Answer from Dr. Batra's Team: In patients suffering from drug-dependant diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, allopathic drugs cannot be suddenly withdrawn; hence, homeopathic medicines may be taken with allopathic medicines. However, allopathic medicine is often palliative or suppressive. For example, if a patient with headache takes a painkiller, his symptoms would get masked and therefore a good prescription by a homeopath could become difficult. Similarly, some medicines in Allopathy tend to suppress rather than cure while homeopathic medicines may expel toxins. In such cases, it is better to take Homeopathy alone.

Original Article Source:

Winter Care Tips | Winter Beauty Tips

Changing temperatures mean a change of routine in all parts of the world, even ina country like India that is almost in the tropics.

Understanding what your skin goes through in winter can help you tweak a few habits to get a glowing complexion and healthy skin in winter. Here are a few tips to help you get it right!

Get the blood flowing
  • Exercise is crucial to staying healthy through the winter months. A daily routineof aerobics and cardio exercises can loosen up your muscles and joints and keepyou limber throughout the day—and the winter.
  • Start your day with a hotshower. This will compensate for getting out of bed early.
  • Before you get out of the shower, switch to cold water for about 15 sec and backto hot for 15 sec. Repeat this for 2–3 cycles or for about 2 min. This simple hydrotherapytechnique revitalizes the skin by stimulating blood flow throughout the body.

Skin care in winter
  • It is time to get out the heavy-duty moisturizers. A highly protective day-carecream with appropriate SPF is an essential barrier to protect your skin againstthe elements
  • Creamy, water-in-oil emulsions are best as they hydrate your skinwhile also protecting them from loss of moisture in the cold winds.
  • Chappedlips are most noticeable in winter. Use a moisturizing lip balm with vitamin E init if you want to avoid looking like you have some dreadful, peeling skin disorder.Keep reapplying the balm with a chapstick throughout the day.
  • Exfoliate! Dead Cells tend to pile up in winter and prevent the moisturizer fromgetting to the healthy skin. The oils in the skin are being produced at a lesserrate than in summer and due to this, skin tends to lose water that would otherwisehave been retained in the lower dermis of the skin.
  • Dry skin can cause premature aging and fine lines can begin to appear in improperlycared for skin.
  • Detoxify your system with plenty of water. If you feel it difficult to gulp downroom temperature water, heat your water and take it with a twist of lemon—a sortof watered-down version of lemon tea.
  • Everyone loves to cuddle up and sleep, burrowing under a pile of warm and toastyblankets while the temperature outside keeps dropping. Ensure you get your beautysleep—7 h is decent if you cannot manage the full 8 or the luxurious 9 h in winternights.
  • Sun protection is essential now as the outdoor weather conditions are such thatmoisture is invariably lost from the skin. Natural sunscreens featuring moisturizingingredients such as aloe vera, cocoa butter and herbal oils can further protectyour skin.
  • Moisturize as frequently as possible. Indoor and outdoor conditionsare drier in winter and alternating a heavier emollient with a lighter emollientcan have your skin feeling cared for while not having to deal with the greasy feeling.
  • Creams and lotions with Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), such as glycolic or lactic acid,can be effective in reversing dry skin and lines at deeper levels.
  • Alternate different products every few days, for example, once a week, so that yourbody is exposed to differing levels of support and does not settle into a fixedroutine that may not be very beneficial in the longer term.
  • Dual-purpose moisturizersact by moisturizing and providing sun protection. Most of them also contain antioxidantingredients which counter the free-radical damage caused by the winter sun.
  • It would be best to avoid clay-based masks in winter as they tend to dry skin furtherin winter. Opting for masks that are specially designed for winter or for dry skinare ideal for winter.
  • Natural soaps or herbal soaps with high fat content are good for the skin in winteras they care for dry skin.
  • Tub baths should be avoided as they can cause drying of the skin and showers shouldbe taken with tepid, not hot, water.
  • Avoid vigorous and too frequent scrubbingwith washcloths in winter as this can further damage and irritate dry skin.
  • Apply moisturizer onto towel-dried skin immediately after emerging from a showeras this locks more water into your skin.
  • While shaving in winter, use a moisturizinggel rather than soap and remember to moisturize your legs well immediately afterward.
  • Rubber gloves will need to be worn while washing dishes or using harsh cleaningagents to avoid further chemical damage.
  • Keep a bottle of hand lotion handyand apply after washing your hands.
  • Winter time also sees the exacerbation oroutbreaks of itchy skin or Eczema. Avoid the use of soap if this happens and tryto use natural emollients such as olive oil or moisturizers with herbal oils suchas tea-tree oil.
  • IFeet tend to be neglected in winter and need extra attention.Ensure that socks and shoes fit properly and dust your feet with non-irritatingtalc before enclosing them in socks and footwear for the day.

Dressing for winter
  • Though it is natural to want to resort to wool or other warmer fabrics in winter,these may not be great on winter skin.
  • Non-irritating fabrics, such as cotton, allow circulation of air over the skin andavoid trapping of moisture. Dressing in layers will give you the advantage of takingoff or adding clothes if you feel too warm or cold.
  • Synthetic materials are ideal for winter as they provide warmth and yet do not trapmoisture. They even dry faster if they become wet.
  • Since more skin is covered in winter, there is increased potential for developingallergic reactions to irritants in detergents or fabric toners and softeners. Switchingto a gentler brand of detergent or avoiding fabric toners is a good choice in winter.
  • Wearing gloves over your hands can protect the nails and skin from unseemly damagewhile also keeping them supple.

Diet in winter 
The changing weather also seeks it due in terms of dietary changesin winter.
  • Protein needs tend to be higher and diet must reflect this change bythe addition of nuts, peas, beans and lean meat.
  • Dairyproducts are also a goodsource of protein at this time and provide therequired amounts of protein and calciumif incorporated into diet.
  • Extravitamins are necessary to fight the onslaughtson theImmune System inwinter as body resistance to infection tends to fall inwinter.
  • Dark-green,leafy vegetables are excellent at preventing skin drynessand crackingand also provide essential micronutrients to help fight infection.

Health is a state of complete physical, emotional, social and spiritual well being

Fitness – "I believe in qualitative physical and mental fitness. Hence my one hour long work out session in the morning is a mix of cardio and lightweights training, wherein I also focus on my breathing. Breathing for me holds the key to the harmonious flow of prana(life’s breath).
I savour every moment of my fitness session in order to connect my mind to each body part I exercise. Every part of our system is linked to our mind and body, and vice versa. Through this practise I feel like one whole and not just a compartment of body parts. This relates to the age-old dictum — a sound mind in a sound body.
Diet – I strongly believe in the phrase you are what you eat. I turned into a pure vegetarian five years ago and I relish every morsel of my sattvic diet. I love fruits and vegetables and more so because of the nutritious fibre they provide which is good for the gut health.
It has been rightly said that everything we do is related to the gut — right from our ‘gut feelings’ to flushing waste materials out of our system. Along with a good fitness session a balanced diet is extremely important. This is because when your tummy is in good shape, it adds harmony to your overall health and well-being.
My hobbies act as a great stress buster. I love listening to old Hindi melodies and ghazals. Music is such a great relaxant, due to which I have started learning light classical music and devote my evenings towards it.
My other passion in photography as it feels like soulful imagery. Whenever I am on the go, my camera is present with me. There is a sense of history and continuity in pictures then be it of nature, people or places.
Getting out of the crowded city and travelling to places where I can savour nature’s bounty of hills and beautiful landscapes brings a lot of peace to my mind. During such excursions its not only photography but also writing poetry which helps me relax.
Besides this reading too brings about great joy, then be it reading stories to my grandson or my own books. Reading makes you the person you are, or want to be. It opens the door of knowledge and understanding. A book is one of the best companions you can have when you are alone.
Spiritualism acts as a path to good health. I am spiritual, but not just symbolically but by leading a life filled with humility and dedicated to my family and work. My spirituality is greatly reflected by the quality time I spend with my family – my son Akshay, daughter-in-law Ushma and grandson Hriman. What is especially exciting for me is spending time with my grandson because, in more ways than one, I am reliving my childhood.
The weekends spent at my home in Amby Valley also helps me connect to my inner self as I am not only able to relax in the midst of nature but also absorb the positive vibes of the natural surroundings."

Article by : Dr. Mukesh Batra (CMD - Dr. Batra's Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd.)

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